Marco Passamonti
Associate professor at the University of Bologna since 2014, he conducts his researches in Zoology and Evolutionary Biology. His research interests are directed in particular to mitochondria in animal models, their structure, inheritance, biogenesis and role in the evolution of eukaryotic life. Author of more than 70 scientific publications on international journals. He is Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Biodiversity and Evolution, responsible for the didactics at the Departiment of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences, and member of the board of the PhD Course in “Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences”. He was President of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology (SIBE), and Director of the Degree in Natural Sciences of the University of Bologna.
Curriculum Vitae
I got my Master’s Degree in Biological Science in Bologna the 13th July 1993, cum laude, with a dissertation entitled “Karyological and electrophoretic analysis of Veneridae of Northern Adriatic Sea populations (Mollusca Bivalvia)”. In the following three years I had my PhD course in the Department of “Biologia Evoluzionistica Sperimentale”, studying taxonomy and phylogenetics of venerid bivalves. In July 1997 I got my PhD in the University of Modena, with a dissertation titled “Biochemical and molecular taxonomy of venerid bivalves and use of it in the specific diagnosis”. In the second session of 1994 I got my qualification in Biology. In 1997 I had a research fellowship “Canziani Bequest” and then I was a two-year postdoc with a research project titled “Evolution mechanisms and speciation in stick insects of the Leptynia and Clonopsis genus (Insecta Phasmatodea)”. In 2001 I had a five-year research contract with a research titled “MtDNA Evolution Mechanisms in Doubly Uniparental Systems” (2000-2005). Form 2006 to 2014 I was Researcher at the University of Bologna.
Since 2014, I am Associate Professor at the Depatment of “Scienze Biologiche Geologiche e Ambientali” of the University of Bologna, where I head the “Mitogenomics and Evolution” group.
I was President and founder of the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology (SIBE-ISEB, coordinator of the Degree Course in Natural Sciences, scientific advisor of the Zoology Museum of Bologna, and tutor of the ‘Collegio Superiore’ of the University of Bologna. I am member of the teaching board of the PhD course ‘Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences’, member of the ‘Probi Viri’ of the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology (SIBE-ISEB), member of the board of the Italian Society of Malacology, and coordinator of the Masters Degree Course in Biodiversity and Evolution. I am also the delegate for didactics of the Department BiGeA.
For more informations see the personal webpage at University of Bologna